Loggia glazing and loggia warming service implies installation of windows on a balcony plate. By customer order the whole complex of works can be done: re-building and redecoration of a premise which includes loggia glazing, furnish of a floor, walls and a ceiling. Having established PVC or aluminium loggias, you can realise the dreams of the things you had no place in apartment earlier: an exercise room, a winter garden, a room for rest etc. Experts of "ALP" Company are ready to realise any, even the most courageous plans!
Aluminium loggias concern so-called cold glazing of loggias. It is applied to protect a balcony from external influence and gives the chance to store various things in a loggia premise. If you wish to place exactly aluminium construction and at the same time to use a premise as inhabited, additional warming of balconies andloggias is necessary. At customer order while loggia warming can include floor, ceiling and walls warming.
But for the cold glazing, there is warm loggia glazing as well, when plastic PVC windows are used. Thanks to isolating properties of plastic Your loggia can become a high-grade premises in which it will be warm at any time year. Use of two-chamber double-glazed windows will allow you to do without additional warming of a loggia. Plastic windows have long term of operation during which you will not have any problems. If you choose warm loggia glazing, we also can offer you warming of a loggia with use of hi-tech materials with the minimum heat conductivity.
Loggia glazing is assumed by use of several variants of windows – deadlight (motionless), rotary, till and turn and sliding. Alternation of motionless and rotary shutters is optimal as it provides rigidity of a design and necessary sound insulation. It is easy to clean such windows, and also it is possible to air a loggia premise. Impermeability of window designs relieves you of necessity to make loggia warming. Till and turn shutters are also convenient in operation. At their use additional warming of a loggia is also not necessary.
To use space of a premise with the maximum benefit, it is possible to establish sliding shutters which move along a parapet. However in this case loggia warming can be necessary, as sliding shutters are used only in aluminium construction. Warming of balconies, loggias is especially actual for game rooms for children. Thanks to warming of balconies, loggias you receive additional premises with high level of comfort in your house that is especially important for small-sized apartments.