Stained-glass windows find various application: usually as decorative ornament of buildings and premises and in windows and door apertures. Often stained-glass windows help to isolate premises of the ground floors from extraneous eyes, nevertheless passing light.
Stained-glass windows are known since ancient times. Gradually stained-glass art was getting more perfect: the composition and drawing became more and more elegant, the technics of execution and art processing of glass improved. Stained-glass windows turned to the present works of art and the integral decorative part of architecture.
The first stained-glass windows were used basically for an ornament of temples, but have then got and into secular buildings. Following a spirit of the age, along with the religious there were made also household plots in drawings of stained-glass windows.
Throughout centuries the most known artists and ingenious masters were engaged in stained-glass windows. But many fine stained-glass windows have created masters, whose names the history did not keep for us. However their works of art remained eternal.
It is possible to admire remarkable stained-glass windowsin Germany, Italy, France, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, England, the Netherlands and other countries, and Time is not imperious over their beauty. Various natural illumination, play of light and shades changes colour of a stained-glass window, forces it to play new wonderful paints - whether it be bright light of the sun or a soft luminescence of a decline. Artificial illumination of stained-glass windows usually gives to stained-glass windows "the fallen asleep" expression.